The Beam Conditions Monitor (BCM) has been assembled to monitor beam
losses and provide fast signals that will abort the beam safely if the loss
rates become dangerous. It will also provide bunch-by-bunch luminosity
measurements. A total of eight detector modules will be located, four each at
a distance of 2 m from the ATLAS interaction point. At these locations the
sensors will receive doses approaching 1016 particles per
cm2 where conventional solid state sensors cannot survive.
The BCM sensors are made of Chemical Vapour Deposited artifical diamond
material. These sensors have several advantages: small, free-standing
electrical structures are easy to prepare, ionisation produced by the passages
of charge particles can be collected quickly (sub-ns) and, most importantly,
they are radiation hard, exhibiting little or no leakage current even after
irradiation to LHC doses. Their fast response will allow them to trigger a
single turn beam abort in case of excessive beam losses. Their vanishingly
small leakage currents provide a robust distinction between actual beam losses
and detector noise. These properties will result in fewer aborts than a system
based on silicon sensor technology that would have much higher leakage
currents. Their fast, stable, signal will also provide useful LHC beam tuning
information even when losses might be dangerously high for other detector
This figure illustrates the concept for
the BCM. Particles produced at the interaction point will reach the BCM
stations simultaneously (top rays in figure). Halo beam particle (machine
losses) that traverse ATLAS will arrive at one station 12 ns before the
other. This distance between the counters is chosen as subsequent collisions
come after 25 ns. By extracting a prompt signal and processing with
appropriate coincidence logic the BCM will provide collision and loss rates
and be able to distinguish, in real time, between the two.
More information is available from:   | |
Members of the Toronto-BCM group: M. Cadabeschi, S. Kissiov,
D. Tardif and
W. Trischuk
Past members: J. Bendavid, L. Tan
For more information please contact William Trischuk |